Are you feeling unhappy, anxious or uncertain of your life's direction? Or, perhaps you are just ready for more...
If you are ready for positive change, know you always have access to loving guidance. If you are stressed, unhappy, require a fresh take on life, require clearing and or just need deep relaxation, there is help right around the corner. Though there are many layers and levels to experience as we go through this current life, as we raise in consciousness, we discover it really is up to us as to how we choose to create with our current level of wisdom, light and understanding. As we realize we have control it allows for the freedom to clear and transmute discordant energies and programs, giving us ample opportunity to shift our circumstances in the best direction possible. There is unending, loving and powerful assistance along the way. YOU are STRONG and AMAZING. Choose positivity at every turn.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon during thousands of sessions, working through a span of over 40 years. The success in assisting clients in understanding who they are, where they spent time as a soul and more became the focus of these sessions in order to instigate and achieve positive change. How QHHT works: The Somnambulistic state is experienced two times daily: just after we wake up in the morning and just before we fall asleep for the night. As QHHT works with this state of mind, the deepest state of hypnosis, incredible results can occur. The client gets to experience something they may never have before by being shown their own past lives, reporting results. H.S. and the Spiritual Healing Committees are then contacted for clarity on the client's toughest questions, all on a recording to listen to at home. Answers from our High Self/Spiritual Healing Committees help us to understand the details of our current life scenario with the opportunity for deep healing. Experiencing and understanding how it feels to access high self (and Spiritual committee members) also allows the client to create a baseline and utilize this important form of communication on a daily basis for deep life enrichment. Contact Amber today to learn more or simply schedule your appointment.
Spiritual Response Therapy
SRT is a Non-denominational form of Psychic-Spiritual healing that utilizes universal energy, a pendulum and a series of detailed charts to clear/transmute/remove subconscious blocks, past-life traumas, low-vibrating energies, entities, discarnates and detrimental soul programs (in the Akashic/Soul Records).
During an SRT session information is gathered through High Self and Spiritual Committees identifying specific issues, programs, blocks and negative beliefs, while researching past/current lives and energies. Clearing and transmutation work is completed to allow for healthy, supportive programs and ideals to take hold, which greatly assists in actively allowing for the expansion it truly takes to shift into a new life. Past lives, Current Lives, Parallel and more may come through as a full "story" to understand current life circumstances. Clients report feeling lighter, happier and having shifts appear in areas that were previously "stuck".
All of us must follow through with the actual fulfillment of change. Life shifts become permanent when we choose to change negative patterns. Work on the next most beneficial and valuable steps for success and complete them, one at a time - finish what has been started and then move on. Complete consciousness work daily. This will help build a new life with new positive patterns and habits that will support the highest level of joy, peacefulness, happiness and healthiness.
Sessions may be purchased1 at a time or as follows:
4+ sessions at 10% off
Package sessions can be used bi-weekly, no sooner, to allow for proper mental and emotional integration. Please contact Amber directly for further questions. Distance sessions require a quiet, comfortable space, free of distractions.
Transformative Life Sessions (Energy sessions: Reiki, Intuitive Guidance, Clearing and more)
As in SRT, these interactive sessions also involve reaching the core issues, blocks and negative beliefs that are present, clearing for them and developing a plan to cause permanent shifts to be made. This can assist in actively manifesting and creating the life that is truly wanted and required for the highest level of healthiness, happiness and success. Solutions personally accommodate the shifts that are in each client's best interest to make, at the time, to encourage and enhance inner growth, expansion and development. As an added value, before ALL sessions with Amber, there is pre-clearing given as well.
Within sessions, Amber may gather information through Spirit and High Self, your Spiritual Committees, Angels and Guides to clear and balance negative programming in all areas of life. This work involves the compilation of energy techniques learned throughout Amber's career (Reiki, Intuitive Guidance, Hypnosis and more). Clients report better sleep, a higher level of clarity, feeling lighter, happier and with healthier direction in reference to relationships, career, abilities (and how to nurture and expand them), health, wellness and more. Past lives, clearing/transmutation, practical and esoteric information can come through to help create positive direction. Divination Cards may be used and or relaxation Hypnosis but are not guaranteed. As each session is based upon what Spirit brings through, no particular information is guaranteed.
Amber teaches clients how to receive their own guidance to develop more confidence and independence in choosing their next steps within their life paths. This can include how to give themselves an Angel Card Reading, develop a stronger, deeper connection with High self and Spirit as well as using clearing techniques. Session times can be used as a personal class on pendulum, other energy techniques or card use, to further the client's own understanding of their personal intuitive process to gain trust and therefore a stronger footing within their own daily clearing work.
Sessions may be purchased 1 at a time or as follows (recommended):
4+ sessions at 10% off
These packages must be used within 1-2 months, based on the number of sessions purchased and the particular requirements of the client to allow for proper mental and emotional integration. This will be evaluated upon the 1st session being completed. Please contact Amber directly for further questions. Distance sessions are available and require a quiet, comfortable spot in your chosen location.
All of us must follow through with the actual fulfillment of change. In reference to Free Will, life shifts become permanent with all modalities, when we choose to change negative patterns. We work on the next most beneficial and valuable steps for success and complete them, one at a time - finishing what has been started and then moving on. Complete consciousness work daily. This will help build a new life with new positive patterns and habits that will support the highest level of joy, peacefulness, happiness and healthiness. You are valuable - everything you do to genuinely help yourself is worth it.
"Reiki is one of the leading safe Energy Medicine approaches..."
-C. Norman Shealy, M.D. Ph.D. Founder, American Holistic Medical Association
What is Reiki? (included in Transformative Life Sessions)
Reiki is a non-invasive, natural energy-based approach to healing and relaxation. It supports your own healing processes by affecting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Reiki can be used with anyone - children, the elderly, pregnant women and the very sick as it has no ill side-effects. Reiki is gently effective.
Over 800 hospitals offer Reiki as part of their services. It is effective in helping nearly all known illnesses and issues. It works in conjunction with medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Within it's long history Reiki has aided in the healing of virtually every known illness and injury including serious issues such as: multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer as well as skin problems, cuts, bruises, and broken bones. Reiki assists with headaches, colds, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia, impotence, poor memory, lack of self-esteem and self-confidence and more! It is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. What to Further Expect During Sessions with Amber Please refer to the Transformative Life Sessionsection to understand this part of an appointment (this does not include use of physical SRT charts). It is a wonderful bonus to have multiple techniques within your appointment. You do, however, have the choice just to receive Reiki which would be a silent session. You will receive clearing, either way. During in-person appointments, much care is given to the comfort level and health of the session environment (no synthetic fragrances), including purified air. Clients are encouraged to be properly hydrated, wear comfortable clothing and refrain from consuming caffeinated products and high amounts of sugar on the day of their session. Being fully clothed and lying down comfortably on a dressed massage table, each client relaxes into their unique session. Enriched with inner growth and healing, clients can choose to receive not only Reiki work but a reading, coaching, clearing and transmutation work for life issues (including past lives) as well as assistance in creating a positive plan to create further shifts in life. Amber applies 19+ years of knowledge and experience so that each session is truly rich with clearing, clarity and direction. Every client has a different experience within his/her session yet feel relaxed, wonderful, and filled with much more insight, direction and general wellness, when finished. *Distance sessions simply require the client to rest comfortably, in a chair or bed, without major distractions.
Sessions may be purchased 1 at a time or as follows (recommended):
4+ sessions at 10% off
These packages must be used weekly, or bi-weekly.
Please contact Amber directly for further questions. All of us must follow through with the actual fulfillment of change. In regard to Free Will, life shifts become permanent with all modalities, when we choose to actively change negative patterns. We work on the next most beneficial and valuable steps for success and complete them, one at a time - finishing what has been started and then moving on. Complete consciousness work daily. This will help build a new life with new positive patterns and habits that will support the highest level of joy, peacefulness, happiness and healthiness.
For information on Reiki Certification classes, click the button below.
The ionSpa detox foot bath is a device that can greatly enhance your body detox program. The organs responsible for ridding your body of wastes are over-stressed with environmental toxins. When these organs are stressed, processing other toxins may be delayed. By supplementing the high concentration of negative hydrogen ions produced by the ionSpa detox foot bath, you can assist your body’s organs by neutralizing stored toxins, acids and metals and cleansing them from your body. The organs are then free to function as they were intended. Detoxification can be accomplished with the proper diet, exercise and utilizing the ionSpa detox foot bath. The combination of nature and technology has afforded us the chance to live in a toxic environment and not be affected by it. The ionSpa detox foot bath offers you a chance to live a healthier, happier lifestyle.
Foot Bath Detoxification
So how does the ionSpa foot bath directly assist the body in detoxification by removing these stored toxins? Most detox programs work only with one area of the body such as the bowels, others may cleanse the liver or blood, and others may assist the kidneys or the skin. However, there are few programs that can effectively work to detoxify your entire body. The ionSpa detox foot bath is one of those few. First, let’s discuss the chemistry of the toxins that are being stored. Fundamentally, the toxins stored in your body are all free radicals. A free radical, from a molecular standpoint, is a molecule that has an odd, unpaired electron. They are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Free radicals typically attack the nearest stable molecule and steal its electron! When the attacked molecule loses its electron, it transforms into a free radical itself. This is the beginning of a disastrous chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can burgeon, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Normally, the body can handle free radicals. But if the free radical production becomes excessive, such as an overload of toxins, damage can occur. During an ionSpa detox foot bath session, large concentrations of negative hydrogen ions are released during the process of electrolysis. These ions are absorbed into the body by osmosis through the epidermis of the foot. Once entered into the system, these negatively charged ions act as an ultra high-powered antioxidant. Who hasn’t heard about the benefits of antioxidants today? To refresh your memory, an antioxidant is a compound which has a weak attraction to one of its electrons. It readily surrenders an electron to a free radical which neutralizes it and ends the electron “stealing” reaction. The ion does not become a free radical by donating an electron because it is stable in either form. Once the free radical is neutralized, it can be removed from the body. Negative hydrogen ions act as “free radical hunters,” helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease. The ionSpa ionic foot bath produces positive and negative ions that reverberate throughout the body to remove toxins and rebalance cellular energy. While the body’s natural electrical impulses flow daily, age, injury, and illness can affect the electrical flow, causing a person to feel bad. The ionic foot bath, which is not a medical device but rather an instrument of assistance, works to detoxify the body of harmful substances and re-establish its natural balance. Users of the ionSpa ionic foot bath testify to the healthier, obvious difference they feel after a session. The ionic foot bath operates through a process called electrolysis by passing direct electrical current through the foot bath water to break apart the H2O (water) molecule. This releases oxygen, stable hydrogen and the negative hydrogen ion (H-), the core benefit of an ionic foot bath session. This negative hydrogen ionis a powerful antioxidant,pH balancer and the catalyst most responsible for ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) production, our body’s greatest energy resource. In the past, we received the negative hydrogen we needed through the consumption of raw vegetables and light proteins but modern processing, storage and handling has virtually stripped the modern diet of this increasingly vital element. Gentle and relaxing ionic foot bath sessions allow the body to uptake this “fuel of life”, which is essential in balancing and reenergizing the body’s natural ability to purge toxins and heal itself. When experiencing the ionic foot bath, you will see the water change color as the electrical current, water, and magnetic field interact with your feet. While the water would change color by itself, the colors are noticeably different with feet in the foot spa and from one person compared to another person. Ionic foot baths are not the first types of products to try and extract this powerful negative H ion and absorb it into the body. Since the 1950s, manufacturers have produced dozens of ionic generators for laboratory and home use. Early machines ionized atoms and molecules via high-voltage electrical fields, incandescent materials, ultraviolet light, x-rays and alpha or beta radiation from isotopes. Advanced technology has eliminated many problems associated with previous ion devices. The ionSpa ionic foot bath, creates a high voltage with lower current, thereby reducing or eliminating the production of ozone. IonSpa's proprietary Intelli-Drive technology maintains a constant level of ionization throughout the course of the foot bath, increasing its effectiveness by over 10 times. Hit the Schedule Now button below to see availability and pricing. Transformative Life Sessions PLUS Ionic Foot Sessions and are available as a package, as well!
*Currently, only Relaxation Hypnosis and Reiki & Relaxation Hypnosis are offered within regular Hypnosis.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is here! Schedule today!
During this time in our history, it is more important than ever before, to take care of yourself. Amber is now offering Relaxation Hypnosis sessions, done entirely over the phone, in the comfort of your own home, or in person. The session can be combined with a Reiki session in order to obtain even more benefit! Hypnosis is a natural state of deep physical and mental relaxation. In this state your subconscious opens and accepts positive suggestions and imagery. We all enter Hypnosis at various times such as, while watching television or driving. While in Hypnosis your attention is focused in one area, closing out other stimulation. YOU are always in control and only accept the suggestions which are beneficial. You will also remember what is said and done while in trance. Everyone achieves their own hypnotic state by cooperating with the suggestions to relax and concentrate. The Hypnotherapist is but an instructor or coach, guiding you. THE POWER OF SUGGESTION The following is a brief example of how suggestion works. Imagine that you are putting a lemon on a plate. You cut the juicy lemon in half. Imagine sucking on the lemon wedge, experiencing the tart, sour juice, carefully catching it before it flows down the corners of your mouth. Did you salivate or experience other sensations? This is the power of suggestion! Hypnosis is for those who want to improve/quit: Overeating Smoking Drinking Insomnia Improve Concentration Reduce stress and anxiety Release phobias Experience inner growth and healing Improve self-esteem Improve memory Control Pain Gain Motivation Improve in Sports and more!
Distance sessions simply require the client to rest comfortably, in a chair or bed, without major distractions.
All of us must follow through with the actual fulfillment of change. Life shifts become permanent with all modalities, when we choose to change negative patterns. Work on the next most beneficial and valuable steps for success and complete them, one at a time - finish what has been started and then move on. Complete consciousness work daily. This will help build a new life with new positive patterns and habits that will support the highest level of joy, peacefulness, happiness and healthiness.
Need a recap of your session or have just a few questions?
Schedule yourself for a 15 minute phone session. Just hit the SCHEDULE NOW button and you will be on your way to Clarity From Within! *This is for established clients only. Do you have just one question but want it answered through email? Just pick this option when scheduling. If a discussion and more answers are desired, make sure to schedule a full-length Session!
Private Parties, Day-Long Home Parties and Events Distance and in-person parties are both available. Your guests can receive readings for 3.5 + hours at your home, business or party location. Private options are available. Choose what you wish to have your guests experience.
A Reading+ using Divination Cards & pendulum. Great for most parties and events.
Utilize a Transformative Life Session Energy & Card Reading Party option which teaches all guests interested in learning with "how tos" and then with remaining time, guests may come up for short readings or one-on-one coaching on what was learned. This is suggested for smaller, more quiet parties unless a separate space (can be outdoors during warmer months) will be provided.
Utilize the Private Home Sessions option, which gives full-length sessions to scheduled guests. If not a reading and/or clearing, guests can ask to be taught how to use a pendulum, read cards, how to further their own abilities and more. Table sessions to receive Reiki/Energy work at the same time is optional. You create the flow of your party energy sessions (consider number of guests, type of party, time of day, etc.).
These are fun sessions that guests will talk about for a lifetime to come! Inquire for a quote.
TRANSFORMATIVE LIFE SESSION CARD PARTY Amber will give you, your friends and family or coworkers a fun and inspiring lesson on how to read cards, auras, chakras, better discern past lives or more and then either give each guest a reading or one-on-one time on how to give readings - or both! You decide! PRIVATE HOME SESSIONS! DAY-LONG, FULL-LENGTH, TRANSFORMATIVE LIFE SESSIONS (REIKI, READING +) OR SPIRITUAL RESPONSE THERAPY SESSIONS AT YOUR HOME Amber will travel to your home/designated space for full-length, 1-1.5 hour sessions, for your family and friends! You can decide to make it a party by creating day-long activities for those who wish to attend them, and have a lunch such as a pot-luck or just simply provide the space for your loved ones to receive the loving care, they too, require! Choose from Reiki plus readings (Transformative Life Sessions) or just readings and/or Spiritual Response Therapy. A Private room may be required for table sessions. Inquire for a quote.
The host will receive a session for FREE (up to 30 minutes)! Your friends and family will also receive 10% off their next full-length session. Ask for your quote today! *Note: Alcohol/other and healings do not mix.Events that require more than a reading should be alcohol free.
Contact Amber with questions and planning for your next fun, Energy event for your office or home! Remember, distance events are available!
NOTICE: Prices are subject to change without prior notice, however notice is given that a price restructuring is happening in 2025 through 2027. New QHHT pricing will be announced in 2025.