There is great comfort in knowing that we do not walk our path alone. In fact, we were never meant to do so - it is only a belief that we have ever done so, limiting our connection to source and, consequently, our expression here. Transmutation of old beliefs, perceptions, judgements and programming that no longer serve us strengthens the ability to open up to the highest levels of awareness, creating shifts for an even more positive life experience to occur. Working with Source directs us to healing experiences that meet our unique requirements. We are here to thrive - not live in scarcity.
Amber DeBriyn
Amber is a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Spiritual Response Therapy Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist as well as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner, Certified Somatic Healing Coach, Intuitive Reader, Intuitive Medium and teaches Intuition Development as well as Reiki Certification classes. Assisting people of all ages, internationally, she enjoys living a life filled with love and loving adventures.
Amber’s connection to Spirit made itself known at a very young age, into adulthood with many, at the time, unexplained occurrences. Some of her gifts, combined with Reiki, presented themselves while giving sessions to family and fellow students. A new business was created in 2005 and Amber has been joyously assisting others all over the world, since then. Her own life experiences have taught her clarity from within through the ability to continually open up to the divine and utilize the loving guidance provided. Amber's journey to a shifted perspective began with the understanding that we are a divine extension of source - here to enjoy a life of beauty, health and wealth. The more we care for ourselves, the better place we are in to assist others. There is only LOVE. Live in it every day.